first blog on how I feel about future

July 19, 2024 (2mo ago)


console.log("Hello World");

I am writing this to convey my thoughts about current scenario in Tech world and how it impacts our life (developers).

I will discuss about current scenario at last, first lets talk about these LLM's.

Appearance of LLM's

We all know that chatgpt has made its appearance in late 2022, and it has been a game changer in the tech world. It has been used in many applications like chatbots, content generation, code generation etc.

Emergence of new Commericial and Open-source LLM's

With the success of Chatgpt, many companies started to invest in AI. Google launched their own model. Many followed the Race.

Open-source llms like mistral and ollama made appearance (some of them are uncensored too), but they were huge to run in normal pc's. I was not able to run mistral in my 16GB ram laptop. I had to install quantized models to run in my Laptop (70B models are too big for my laptop). ollama was later released for windows and it was a big relief.

Who will gain from these changes?

The companies who are working on AI and companies who facilitate Hardware for AI will gain the most. we have seen the rise of Nvidia and AMD in recent years (you are lucky one if you have invested in them).

what awaits us in future?

Unemployment!, yes you heard it right. AI is taking over many jobs, and it will continue to do so.

Imagine a model is able to generate optimized code as of now on par with senior developer. It will replace many data driven jobs, but it will also create many jobs.

Protect your data at all costs

With the rise of AI, data is the new oil. Protect your data, don't give it away. don't input your personal data in any AI models.

In this digital age you are more vulnerable than you think, with basic recon, someone can dig deep (very deep) into your personal life with just your name.

so be aware what you do in internet. don't reveal too much.

current scenario

As of now, it's the worst combination of everything lol, Inflation is high, AI is taking over and Jobs are so far away.. Jobs are scarce, and the competition is high.

It's really hard to survive as a everyday normal guy 😭. But you can make living as long as you have skills.

how to prepare for the future?

There will always be new jobs to fill, so don't be sad. despite all the changes, I am excited for the future. It's a new world out there. I am more closer than ever to my dream of becoming IRON MAN :D